The Easiest Way To Earn Your First $25 Affiliate Commission

Affiliate marketing is one of the most lucrative ways of making money online, but so many people struggle to make a single sale.

It can often seem to be a bit of a lottery and being in the right place at the right time.

Affiliate Marketing is most definitely something that gets easier and easier as you figure out what to do, but this means it can often take a long time before you get that first sale under your belt.

There are all kinds of reasons for this, but the main ones are:

  • A lack of real marketing knowledge
  • Not being able to get approval for promoting good quality products
  • Not being able to show proof of earnings to others
  • A lack of pre qualified buyer leads

My Easy and Effective $25 Commission System

To help overcome the issues described above I am sharing this step by step system. It makes earning your first $25 commission reasonably easy to do, effective and a lot faster than many other options around.

If you can click on a few links and buttons as instructed below, and copy some text you can do this. You can also contact me and other team members in this Facebook Group if you need any extra guidance or support:

Follow these steps to set up your own system to earn $25 (and a lot more):

Step 1 – Register for an Account with Global Domains International. This is free for 7 days and then $10 per month. You can cancel at any time you choose. I am going to guide you on using it to earn consistent high level affiliate commission so I don’t think you will ever want to cancel it.

Click to the Link to Register:

Click on the green sign up free button on the page to open the registration form.

Complete the form until you get to the You’re Online notification as shown below. You will be asked questions about what kind of account you want. Choose Individual, not Business. Choose Both income and address for life packages. Choose Basic not Pro.

You will also need to create a domain – choose the .ws option or you will be charged more.

Step 2 – Click on the Learning Bonus on the Dashboard

Completing this learning bonus will earn you $25. There are 7 items on the checklist to complete. I will walk you through EXACTLY how to complete these below.

First let me show you that I have completed this bonus and earned $25:

I have in fact earned over $2000 with this account as you can see below, so $25 is just the beginning. I will also guide you on building your income with this account later.

Step 3 – Click on WordPress and More in the side menu:

Click on the slider button on the wordpress plugin option so it turns from off to on. This will start to propagate a wordpress account for you to use as directed in step 8.

Step 4 – Set Up Email Address

Click on Set Up Email in the side menu. On the form you need to enter the letters gdi in the first box.

Create a password and enter it twice.

Add your name and contact email address.

Click on Create Mailbox:

You may need to log in to this new mailbox for this item to be ticked off as completed on your learning bonus checklist.

Step 5 – Set Commission Payment Method

Click on Preferred Payment in the side menu and choose from Paypal, Bank Wire or Mailed Check.

Select Minimum Payment Amount and enter Paypal address if using that option. If using the other options enter the details as requested in this section.

Click on Update button to save the details.

Step 6 – Join Leadsleap for Free

You will need this account to help you get your first affiliate sale. A free account is fine for this

Click the Link to Join Leadsleap :

Step 7 – Import Capture Page To Leadsleap

I have created this capture page for you to use to help you get your first affiliate sale:

To import this page into Leadsleap click on Page Manager and then add new campaign. Name the page Earn $25. Click on add a new page to start to get to the import box. Use the code: xKNtwZnU and click on import now:

Step 8 – Take A Copy of This Blog Post

On your wordpress account click on add new post. You can do this at the top with the + New, or by clicking on Posts then Add New.

Copy and Paste this entire blog post into the editor. Update the links so it has your referrals links for each site and click on publish:

Step 9 – Add the Link for Blog Post To Your Capture Page

Inside Leadsleap account click on Page Manager.

Click on Launch Editor:

On the editor click on List:

Enter the url for your blog post in the redirection box as shown below and click save:

Step 10 – Promote The Capture Page on Traffic Sites

Here are a few sites that will give you free ad credits just for signing up:




The link you need to share on traffic sites is shown at the top of your capture page on Leadsleap:

Step 11 – Email 10 Subscribers

Click on the Invite Option inside Global Domains Dashboard.

Enter the name and email addresses of 10 of your subscribers in the form and click send invitations.

You have now completed all the steps required to earn your $25 Learning Bonus.

I recommend you keep promoting the capture page on various traffic sites as it will help you to earn some of the other great bonuses too.

There is a $100 bonus and a $250 bonus as well for us to work on next, and even a $5000 bonus is available.

Here is a screenshot of the $100 bonus that our team works on achieving each week:

Don’t forget, if you need any extra guidance or have any questions then our team is available in our Facebook Group:

Hope to see you there!


  1. Hello Support
    I’m already a Member of GDI. Am I able to JOIN YOUR SYSTEM in order to SIGNUP More People?
    If NOT, can I Use Your SYSTEM for another Affiliate Opportunity?
    Let me know.

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